Os presentamos nuestro nuevo libro de la serie 135, esta vez dedicado a vehículos de todo tipo enclavados en diversos conflictos actuales, así como rarezas, versiones y conversiones poco usuales, que nuestro amigo y colaborador Zack ha materializado tras mucho esfuerzo de investigación.
We present you our new book of the 135 series, this time dedicated to vehicles of all kinds set in various current conflicts, as well as rarities, versions and unusual conversions, that our friend and collaborator Zack has materialized after much research effort.
Junto al libro, obsequiaremos al comprador con 4 magníficos ítems valorados en más de 10 euros, que a buen seguro le ayudarán en la realización de su propio proyecto actual. Together with the book, we will gift the buyer with 4 magnificent items valued at more than 10 euros, which will surely help him in the realization of his own current project.
1 / Military Kosher Meals (MRES) 1/35.
2 / Ukrainian Military Ration 1/35.
3 / Russian Military Ration 1/35.
4 / Calcas / Decals T-90A Tactical Markings 1/35.
Tank 124, 20th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, Volgograd Parade.
20th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, Rostov Parade, May 9, 2010.
Tank 520, 7th Military Base, Republic of Abkhazia, Russian Federation.
Tank 412, 5th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, Alabino, Jan. 2013
El libro, así como los regalos, son una edición limitada disponible hasta agotar existencias.
The book, as well as the giveaways, are a limited edition available while supplies last.